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Unclean Spirit Page 19

  Starr realized that the luminosity that had drawn her to her father’s side was her father; of this, she had no doubt. And as she moved into the shimmering soul of Paul Forsythe, Starr’s essence made contact with that of her father.

  The convergence of the spirits that were Starr and Paul Forsythe resulted in a surge of metaphysical energy that filled the incorporeal realm in which the spirits existed with an explosion of light and color, the likes of which had never been, seen by the human eye. The astonishingly blissful light and the gentle yet vibrant colors did not surround the spirits but, rather, intermingled with them.

  Starr’s and Paul’s life-forces were no longer separate entities; they had become one with the infinite number of souls that comprise the hereafter.

  “Vincent, what do you think is going on?” Lukas questioned.

  “I don’t know. Something is happening though, I can feel it.”

  Mag knew what Vincent meant. Although he could neither see nor hear anything unusual, Mag was aware of a subtle change in the cellar’s atmosphere, a change that, quite literally, made the hairs on his arms stand on end.

  The Demonic felt increasingly oppressed by the countless souls that filled the environment. It had no reason to fear a few souls, It had done battle with human spirits before and triumphed over them each and every time. But these ethereal souls had gathered en mass and the Demonic knew that the human female was somehow responsible for that. She would just have to share her father’s fate.

  The souls that had congregated in the basement had been pulled from their spatial plane by the discharge of energy that had resulted from the unification of two spirits that were still tied to the earthly sphere of existence. While not conscious in the same sense that a human being is conscious, these souls did possess a collective awareness of all things mystical. They recognized the Evil that was the Demonic and they sought It out.

  The potency of the souls that had entered Paul Forsythe’s body stunned the Demonic. It was accustomed to being the aggressor, not the defender. But It now found Itself being forced out of the human’s body.

  Mag, Lukas, Vincent, and Penelope were literally blown across the room and pinned against the wall by the powerful wind that had suddenly arisen within the cellar’s confines. Cabinets, shelving, tools, broken pieces of wood, and assorted debris whipped about the basement. But the bodies of Starr and Paul Forsythe, contained within the eye of the maelstrom, remained unaffected by the riotous air that surrounded them.

  The wind howled; it also moaned and cried and cursed. Then, without warning, the noise ceased and the wind vanished. The basement became preternaturally quiet and still.

  Penelope tread warily across the floor and positioned herself next to Starr. Mag, Lukas, and Vincent righted themselves and watched in amazement as a dark, formless mass exited the left side of Paul’s body, idled briefly over Starr, then propelled Itself across the room and into the pulpit that awaited It.

  The Demonic entered the pulpit with such rage and strength that the ancient structure was blown apart into thousands of fragments of wood that finally came to rest on the basement floor.

  “We’re here!” Charlie shouted as he poked his head through the hole in the cellar door.


  Three Days Later

  The deep and dark tandem gravesites loomed before the small group of individuals who stood together in the cemetery.

  Lukas and Vincent prepared themselves for their officiating duties.

  Saul and Charlie stood silently by as they mentally reviewed the events of the last several days.

  Marybeth and Patsy looked to one another for support.

  Tamara wiped a tear from her cheek.

  In unison, Starr and Paul dropped the garbage bags containing the remnants of the cursed pulpit into the consecrated ground.


  Although he had survived his encounter with the Demonic, Paul Forsythe had not been left unscathed. The unclean spirit had left a psychic mark on him by ensuring that Paul’s memory of his possession remained intact. For the rest of his life Paul would be haunted by the shockingly malevolent and wretched thoughts and feelings that were the Demonic’s trademark.

  The spirit had also marked Paul physically. The pupil of Paul’s left eye was no longer round, it was now and forever a slit of blackness—a serpent’s eye.

  But Paul had yet another physical mark that had appeared during that last night in the basement, one that signified the temporary union of Starr’s soul with his own: A diminutive, almost indiscernible, golden star was imprinted just behind Paul’s right ear.

  Starr had always been close to her father, but she now carried a part of him, one that transcended genetics, inside of her.

  Lukas’ fractured ribs would heal. He prayed that his recent disclosure to his wife about the truth of his father’s death would not cause a permanent break in their relationship.

  Saul had finally come to terms with what he perceived to have been his role in Hillie Perkins’ death and he fervently hoped that Hillie’s tiny soul was at peace.

  Mag was considering teaming up with Vincent in his fight against demons. But part-time onlyhe still had to make a living!

  Vincent’s newest battle wounds, the punctures left in his chest by the nails that had spewed from Paul’s mouth, would be a constant reminder to him of the strength of unconditional love; that is what he believed had saved Paul Forsythe.

  Tamara would be eternally grateful to God for having returned her husband to her. But somewhere deep within herself, Tamara knew that God had had help in freeing Paul from the Demonic.

  Patsy and Marybeth rejoiced in the fact that the persons whom they loved most in the world were all safe.

  And Charlie? Well, Charlie was simply Charlie. As long as he had Jose’ Cuervo, he would be just fine!


  No one could fully explain why the Demonic had vacated Paul’s body. Neither Starr nor Paul were consciously aware of the fact that their souls had touched, thereby summoning help from another dimension of being. Everyone believed, however, even Paul, that God must have had a hand in casting out the Demonic. So, after Sunday services, Lukas closed the church doors and lead Starr, Paul, Tamara, Marybeth, Patsy, Charlie, Saul, Mag, and Vincent in a very special prayer of thanks to the Lord.

  Lillie Duncan had prepared a special Sunday meal for everyone to share in before Mag and Vincent left Van Horn. Starr had even invited Dr. Gomez to come. But just as the group was leaving the church to go to Lukas’ house, a young man drove up.

  “Sir, excuse me, I’m looking for Pastor Duncan,” Wayne Diggs called out from the truck window.

  “I’m Lukas Duncan. How may I help you?”

  Wayne exited the truck. “Well, sir, I run an antique business in Marfa and my wife tells me that you recently bought an old pulpit from her. I’d like to talk to you about buying it back.”

  Wayne misunderstood the laughter that erupted from the people standing on the church steps. “I assure you, Pastor Duncan, you will make a profit on the deal. I’m not trying to scam you,” Wayne said defensively.

  “We apologize for the laughter, son. It’s just that things have been a bit unusual around here lately.

  “I couldn’t sell the pulpit back to you if I wanted to. There was an, uh, accident and it was destroyed.”

  Yeah, right! Wayne thought to himself. That old fart discovered what the pulpit is worth and plans to make a killing on it!

  “Destroyed?” It was clear that Wayne didn’t believe the story.

  “That’s right. I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Wayne mumbled as he climbed back into his truck and drove away.

  “Snippy little shit,” Charlie concluded as he watched, unbeknownst to him, his son-in-law drive away.


  Penelope and Cooter chased rabbits by day and slept side-by-side at nig
ht. They were happy. But every so often, Penelope would awaken and gaze around the barn. Although she could not sense anything unusual, she knew that It was somewhere out there in the world.